Sunday, January 27

Boston (MA), US, January 23rd

We had the opportunity to work for a few days in the US, my trip went to Boston in Massachusetts. Known mostly for its Seafood Cuisine, the 2 major Universities MIT and (US) Harvard, the town boasts a nice city core where walking is possible and recommended (imagine that in the US!!!) and a beautiful harbour. We found a nice restaurant called Legal Sea Food for lunch, we visited a Kansas Steakhouse and we also dropped by the bar from Cheers, the old time comedy series from the 1980-1990 television. We dropped by Newbury Street, we visited the Faneuil Hall and the Boston Market but we never did have time to visit the site for the Boston Tea Party. We also drove by Harvard and MIT and looked at the old buildings and the large areas at least surrounding Harvard. The roads in Boston were easy to drive on, there was surprisingly little traffic (we were driving around downtown and on the Interstates I-90 and I-93 between 9 and 4 on Thursday) and the only small snag we experienced was the Magellan 4-/N/everlost GPS who kept saying we should drive onto road exits that did not exist on the roads we were driving on. Street signs in Boston are for US standards fairly clear and easily read and not as confusing as in many other places/states in the US, so we had little use of the GPS here. But we had 2 lovely days and recommend the town to anyone who has the chance to drop by, so far my best experience of a US city.


Micke said...

Hej Fredrik

Hoppas allt är väl!

Har nu länkat din sida från min egen blogg.

Ha det gott!


Micke said...

Hi Fredrik!

No updates on your blog for some time? Anyway I will check in here once in a while.
